www.stpeters-trenton.org/ - St. Peters Catholic Church, Trenton www.alcdsb.on.ca/ - Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board www.cwl.ca/ - Catholic Womens League of Canada www.devp.org/en - Development + Peace www.holynameofmary3.com/ - Holy Name of Mary, Marysville + St. Charles Borromeo, Read www.holyrosarybelleville.ca/ - Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, Belleville www.https://ssvp.ca/ontario-regional-council - Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Ontario Regional Council www.sites.google.com/site/corpncc/home-page - NCC Corporation www.carthaghedmund.org - St. Carthagh Parish, Tweed www.cccb.ca - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops www.gleanersfoodbank.ca - Gleaners Food Bank www.knightsofcolumbusbelleville.ca - Knights of Columbus Archbishop J. L. Wilhelm Council 1008 www.romancatholic.kingston.on.ca - Archdiocese of Kingston, Kingston www.romancatholic.kingston.on.ca/journey - Journey online www.spiritualitycentre.ca - Providence Spirituality Centre www.st-michaels-belleville.org - St. Michael the Archangel, Belleville www.stfrancisfrankford.com - St Francis of Assisi, Frankford + St James the Minor, Stirli www.stgregoryparish.ca - St. Gregory the Great, Picton www.stjamescemeterybelleville.ca - St. James Cemetery, Belleville www.vatican.va - The Holy See